
Showing posts from November, 2015

Interesting books read after 2008

Yes. I could not stop reading books. After reading "What is life" by Erwin Schrodinger, I have read quite a lot of books. I will just mention the interesting ones here. Genome - Matt Ridley Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Fooled by Randomness - Nassim Nicholas Taleb Stumbling on happiness - Daniel Gilbert Strangers to ourselves - Timothy Wilson Information - James  Gleick Physics of the Future - Michio Kaku Thinking in Systems, A primer - Donella Meadows Drive - Daniel Pink The Paradigm Conspiracy - Breton and Largent Expert Political Judgement - Philip Tetlock Fifth Discipline - Peter Senge Please Understand me 2 - David Keirsey Software Craftsmanship - Pete McBreen Head First OOAD - Brett Mclaughlin Pragmatic Programmer - Andy Hunt, Dave Thomas How Nature works - Per Bak Bak's sand pile - Theodore Gyle Lewis Weak links - Peter Csermely Tribal Leadership - Dave Logan and others My stroke of insight - Jill Bolte Taylor Essentialism - Greg McKeown

Resuming with rambling

It has been 5 years since I wrote anything here. Not that I did not have anything to write. Just that it was more questions and confusions in my mind rather than something really concrete. But now, it looks like I will not have anything concrete ever. Instead of not writing anything, I thought I would start rambling here. The intended customer of this blog is just me anyway. If at all any body else gets benefit out of this blog, it is only a bonus. :-)