To better know what we do not know!!

Just a 192 pages book "A brief history of time" clearly explains what we understand in this world and what we do not understand and if we might understand in the future.

Now that I know what I do not know, I thought of reading books from experts of other fields to understand the universe more.

Once I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in May 2002 I joined Novell, Bangalore for my first job. Then I started reading all kinds of books which interested me. Strangely enough, not many care about reading books after starting to work. Atleast I have not seen many working people who read books.

For me it was the opposite. I became a voracious reader. There is no pressure to study and get good grades. I did not really bother to spend more time after office hours for growing in the company. So I spent all my spare time in reading all sorts of books which I thought would help me understand this world. Following are some of the books which I read from 2001 till date.

1) I'm Ok You're ok
2) Dancing WU Li masters
3) Brave New world - Aldous Huxley
4) The Naked Ape - Desmond Morris
5) A brief history of time - Stephen Hawking
6) Black holes and baby universes - Stephen Hawking
7) Getting results- for dummies
8) Rich Dad, Poor Dad
9) Staying ok
10) Goal
11) Emotional intelligence - Daniel Goleman
12) The Bridge across forever - Richard Bach
13) The art of thinking
14) Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
15) Science of breath
16) Meditation
17) Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
18) Atlas shrugged - Ayn Rand
19) Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman
20) 7 habits of highly effective people - Stephen Covey
21) Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
22) Chaos
23) The importance of living
24) Visions - Michio Kaku
25) Naked Women - Desmond Morris
26) In search of Schroedinger's cat
27) The God of small things - Arundhathi Roy
28) Prey- Michael Crichton
29) Catch-22
30) Billions and Billions- Carl Sagan
31) Cosmos - Carl Sagan
32) The mind's I - Douglas hofstadter and Daniel Dennett
33) Consciousness explained - Daniel Dennett
34) Freedom evolves - Daniel Dennett
35) Sweet dreams - Daniel Dennett

And some more books which I don't remember now. And of course, these do not include the software related books. I later realized that the books are from varied fields like, biology, genetics, Science fiction, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Technology, Finance, Yoga and some more fields.

And the following are in pipeline :-)

36) Genome
37) Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
38) What is your dangerous idea
39) Next - Michael Crichton

So what did I understand from these books. In the subsequent posts, I would describe that. :-)


Unknown said…
You may want to add "Big Bang", "Fermit's enigma" both by Simon Singh to your pipeline...

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